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Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions: Interactive Map

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) recently released an interactive map summarizing the current status of state Medicaid expansion decisions. This resource provides up-to-date information on the adoption of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) Medicaid expansion in different states, including details on legislative actions, executive actions, voter-led initiatives, and coverage expansions. View this interactive map to gain insights into the Medicaid expansion landscape and the efforts made by states to enhance healthcare accessibility for their populations.

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ADvancing States Analysis of State ARPA HCBS Spending Plans

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) included a 10% FMAP increase to Medicaid-funded HCBS. CMS requires states to submit semi-annual spending plan updates outlining changes to previously approved activities using ARPA HCBS funding. ADvancing States released an analysis of states’ initial spending plan submissions in September 2021, grouping activities into tables focusing on ten areas.

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State Actions Addressing COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities

NGA recently published a policy memo including a detailed table that provides an overview of state actions to address COVID-19 in long-term care facilities. The table includes notable actions from states with helpful links to relevant guidance and resources for each state. Updates on additional state actions and examples will be added to the table regularly and states are encouraged to contact NGA with changes.

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Side-by-Side Comparison of Current & Recently Released Federal Nursing Home Regulations (Including Arbitration Agreements)

CMS published a proposed rule to revise the current federal nursing home regulations and a final arbitration rule. Consumer Voice has released a side-by-side comparison chart of the current and the newly released proposed rules, as well as the final arbitration rules.

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The Potential Impact of the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Home and Community-Based Services Spending

The Community Living Policy Center reviewed the effects of the Better care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) should it pass. Upon review, they conclude that had it been implemented in the mid-2000s then it would have reduced Federal reimbursments becuase of the proposed caps.

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Medicaid in Small Towns and Rural America: A Lifeline for Children, Families, and Communities

University Center for Children and Families (CCF) and the University of North Carolina NC Rural Health Research Program (NC RHRP) studies the effects of Medicaid on rural areas and small towns as opposed to dense metropolitan areas. Since the implementation of the ACA, those who are covered by insurance have noticeably increased the number of Americans who are insured.

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The Use of Volunteers in State Agencies on Aging and Disabilities

The ADvancing States assessment of the AoA funded project to develop a national volunteer resource center to enhance engagement of volunteers in the Aging Network, especially Baby Boomers, consisted of an online scan and three follow-up conference calls with program directors. The results are synthesized in an overall brief and separated by program: Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP), State Health Insurance Programs (SHIP), and Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman programs.

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President’s Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 2013

President Obama’s proposed budget outlines the Administration’s fiscal and program priorities for FY13. ADvancing States’s preliminary analysis is framed by an interest in aging and disability program funding. The analysis reveals the proposal’s requests for food and nutrition services, independent living, caregiver support, protection of vulnerable adults, and Medicare and Medicaid. The accompanying chart shows the President’s FY12 and FY13 requests for relevant aging and disability programs.

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Participant Experience Survey

ADvancing States conducted a survey of state agencies on aging and disability to determine if they conducted participant experience surveys to ensure quality. This asked four basic questions: if the state conducts participants experience survey; the frequency of conducting the survey; how the survey was completed; and who conducts the survey. The appendices include sample participant experience surveys from various states.

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The Budget Lifecycle

Determining the federal budget for the coming fiscal year (FY) is nearly a year-long process. This flow chart explains the federal budget’s lifecycle—from federal agencies’ justification for funds to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to the President’s authorization. It is a concise visualization of the process leading up to a federal fiscal year commencement.

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