Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

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Accessible Transit Services for All

The Federal Transit Administration released a report that examines the accessibility, cost efficiency, and effectiveness of public transit for passengers with disabilities. The report provides an assessment of public transit and offers suggestions for improvements that align with the Americans with Disabilities Act standards. This report uses 12 case studies to analyze the state of current paratransit practices and highlight the most successful models.

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Prevalence of Disability and Disability Type Among Adults- United States, 2013

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report has released new data on prevalence of disability and disability type, from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a state-based health survey. This includes data by state, and data by disability type that is based on functional categories. The main finding showed that "1 in 5 adults or over 53 million" Americans live with a disability.

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Services for Individuals with I/DD in the U.S. Territories

Through collaboration with the Universities of Minnesota, Colorado, and Massachusetts, this report focuses on the services and supports for individuals with I/DD in the U.S. territories. The first long-term data collection focuses on collecting, tracking, and analyzing services to provide information to improve and increase productivity, independence, integration, and inclusion of people with I/DD into their communities.

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Services for Youths with Disabilities Provided Under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act: Results from a Survey of Local Workforce Investment Boards

This report for the Department of Labor examines the workforce system's current efforts to provide assistance to youth with disabilities. The focus of the research is mainly at the local level, coming from practitioners to gain insight on what factors are in need of improvement. Data was obtained through surveys completed by representatives of Local Workforce Investment Boards with specific attention to the practices and policies currently in place.

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Priced Out in 2014

This report is a study of the severe housing affordability problems experienced by people with disabilities. Priced Out calculates the difference between what an individual receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can reasonably afford to pay for housing costs and the average cost of modest housing units. The report confirms that non-elderly adults with disabilities living on SSI confront an enormous housing affordability gap across the entire nation.

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ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments

This technical assistance document aims to help State and local government offices understand how Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to their programs, activities, and services. The illustrated guide outlines general nondiscrimination requirements, like provisions regarding communication with people with disabilities or service animals. The guide also tells how the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design apply to the built environment.

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Transportation Update: Where We've Gone and What We've Learned

In 2005, the National Council on Disability published "The Current State of Transportation For People With Disabilities in the United States," a major transportation overview report. This report examines what has changed since the writing of the previous report. The report focuses on surface transportation and addresses accessibility-related progress as well as problems. The report also makes recommendations to Congress and the Executive Branch designed to improve federal collaborative efforts.

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Home and Community-Based Services: Creating Systems for Success at Home, at Work and in the Community

This report offers recommendations for federal and state entities from a thorough review of the legal and regulatory home and community-based services (HCBS) framework outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and new HCBS regulations. The bearing of setting size and configuration on the quality of supports and services received by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and individuals with mental health disabilities in home and community-based arrangements is the focus.

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The 2020 Federal Youth Transition Plan: A Federal Interagency Strategy

The Federal Partners in Transition, an interagency workgroup, has published a strategy report to ensure that federal programs and resources effectively support American young adults with disabilities in reaching their goals of independence. This report identifies five outcome goals to operate across agency boundaries in an effort to enhance coordination and improve compatible policies among the multiple federal programs that support transitioning youth with disabilities and their families.

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