ADvancing States is excited to announce the selection of seven states for intensive, short-term, “quick strike” technical assistance to facilitate and expedite the implementation of states’ plans to expand, enhance and strengthen services for older adults and persons with disabilities using new Federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). With the support of The SCAN Foundation, the Milbank Memorial Fund, the Peterson Center on Healthcare, and The John A. Hartford Foundation, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wyoming, and Washington DC will begin receiving support from five TA consultants - the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, Halperin Butera Consulting, Riverstone Health Advisors and Ventech Solutions - to expedite the necessary planning for the implementation of their Spending Plans. The period of technical assistance will run from from early October to early December of this year.
Technical assistance will be provided to these seven states for the development of a comprehensive Project Management Plan for the ARPA HCBS Funding Initiative. The Project Management Plan will be comprised of a detailed listing of all of the tasks that need to be conducted to achieve the major objectives in the state’s HCBS Spending Plan, whether it be expansions in HCBS services or populations, provider rate increases, direct care workforce recruitment and training, infrastructure and system modernization, implementation of patient remote monitoring programs, capital investments, quality measurement and Value Based Payment initiatives, or strengthening administrative capacity. Each major objective will be broken into a series of discrete tasks, along with task milestones, expected completion dates, and the managerial responsibilities for the successful execution of each task.
This work will be short-term and intense and we believe it will help create a solid foundation for the implementation and success of the ARPA initiatives. The results of this project will be shared at ADvancing States’ HCBS Conference in December.
Click here to access the full announcement.
Please reach out to ARPATA@advancingstates.org with any questions.