ADvancing interRAI includes broad onboarding support, including evaluation of a state’s existing system, the collaborative development of recommendations, and assistance in creating an implementation plan.
Each state receives a high-level operations review that examines how the incorporation of the interRAI-HC tool may impact how HCBS programs operate. This process results in a high-level catalogue of the design of each HCBS program, including intake, screening, triage, eligibly determination, resource allocation, support planning, and quality management. The review also examines how people flow through the system and the roles of staff at all agencies involved in the processes. The review identifies business operations that will need to change to incorporate interRAI and provides recommendations for how these changes can be used to enhance further systems change.
The initiative also includes access to a developing Implementation and Onboarding toolkit, which will assist states with implementing interRAI systems, rethinking roles and processes, using data for program improvement, and survive automation.